Get in the swing with dance classes at the YMCA

Want to try something new this year? Sign up for a dance class at the Richmond District YMCA!

Both the East Coast Swing and Lindy Hop classes will be taught on Friday nights by Catrine Ljunggren, world renowned Lindy Hop Revivalist and master dance instructor.

Each class meets every Friday night for 12 weeks, beginning February 5. The cost is $79 for YMCA facility members, $89 for program onhealthy purchase adalat online members, and $109 for community members.

For more information or to sign up, stop by the front desk at the Richmond District YMCA, 360 18th Avenue (666-9622).

East Coast Swing, Friday nights
February 5 – April 30, 2010, 7-8pm

Lindy Hop, Friday nights
February 5 – April 30, 2010, 8-9pm

Sarah B.