Cassandra Costello from Supervisor Eric Mar’s reports that there will be a follow-up meeting next week regarding the development plans for the Alexandria. The 6pm meeting will be next Thursday, April 29 at the Richmond Recreation Center, 251 18th Avenue.
Project consultant Drake Gardener as well as members of the Planning Department will be there to go over the plans and take questions about the project.
Costello also included more detailed plans with the email, including architectural drawings and plans for handling the historic restoration. Download the documents below:
Alexandria Plans (11 pages, PDF)
Alexandria Plans – Historical Detail (3 pages, PDF)
Sarah B.
It is unfortunate that the Theater could not be reused in a more interesting, exciting or at the very least, sympathetic way. What is being proposed seems rather mechanical and out of scale with the building’s original character.
I am curious to hear what the local community thinks…
Looks like a solid improvement to this neglected block. Any reasonably representative portion of the local community, especially homeowners, will almost certainly appreciate this, particularly given the appreciative affect it will have on neighboring properties.