Video: Home movies of Ocean Beach & Cliff House in 1930

The Western Neighborhoods Project turned us onto this fun clip from 1930 that features footage from Ocean Beach and the Cliff House. It’s very San Francisco – you see a woman in a full length heavy coat walking along the roadway, and it then cuts to children in swimsuits on the beach. Microclimates, people!

In the footage you’ll also notice a pier that runs out from Ocean Beach. It was known as both the Olympic Pier and the Lurline Pier, because it served as the intake for two downtown saltwater pools: the Olympic Club and the Lurline Baths. Yes, you read that right – a pipe carried seawater from Ocean Beach all the way to downtown.

The Lurline Baths were public salt water baths built in 1894 at the corner of Bush and Larkin streets, and closed in 1936. The pier remained on Ocean Beach until about 1966. [Wikipedia]

The clip also has footage of Market Street and the ferry that used to carry people to Marin and back, before the Golden Gate Bridge was built.

Sarah B.

[Via Cliffhouseproject.com]


  1. The remains of the Lurline pier were still visible when I was a kid in the early 70s. But the waterfall coming down from Sutro Heights – that is totally new to me, never knew that existed. Great film.

  2. Love the shot of the cargo ship (ferry?) on the horizon on that very blustery day! Captures a bygone maritime feel.

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