Looking back: Distressing street name changes; 1924 Ocean Beach roadhouse

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We love our neighborhood history, so here’s a couple of interesting items for you…

@SF_Historian shared the above photo last week of a very grand 1924 roadhouse that was located on the northeast corner of Balboa near the Great Highway. It was called the Pacific Ocean House Ocean Beach Pavilion (among many other names) and you can see another photo of it here.

The Western Neighborhoods Project has written quite a bit on the roadhouses of the Great Highway and outer Richmond, which were popular destinations for drinking, dining and cavorting. Last year they even discovered some roadhouse architecture buried in the floorboards of a building on La Playa.

If you think NIMBYism is “new” to San Francisco, you’d be wrong (if you’re not familiar with the term it stands for “Not In My BackYard!”). It dates back at least as far as 1909 when there was uproar over proposed street name changes in the Richmond and Sunset Districts.

Chronicle columnist Gary Kamiya covered the controversy in his recent article Spanish street names upset Sunset, Richmond residents, detailing a time when residents feared that some proposed street name changes might “result in their neighborhood being renamed “Spanishtown” or “Dagoville.””

It was a complicated issue which eventually resulted in First Avenue becoming Arguello Boulevard and 49th Avenue becoming La Playa, plus A, B, and C Streets becoming Anza, Balboa and Cabrillo. There were additional street names changes in the Sunset District.

But that was after some severe anti-Spanish sentiments like this quote from a newspaper editorial: “What do we want with Spanish names, anyhow? Why, only the other day they shot a man there for speaking out the truth, and they have been the most cruel, tyrannical race in Europe.” Get the full story at SFGate.com

Sarah B.


  1. isnt that Topsy Roost aka Family Dog? aka:
    Ocean Beach Pavilion – 1884
    Hawai’Land – 1915
    Sahara – 1919
    Chutes Pavilion – 1924
    Topsy’s Roost – 1928
    Edgewater Ballroom – 1946
    Barnum’s at the Beach – 1952
    Surf Club – 1955
    Model Car Raceways – 1965
    Chet Helms’ Family Dog – 1969
    Friends & Relations hall – 1971-1972

  2. All those anti-Spanish folks should be satisfied that at least we don’t pronounce any of the names correctly. Especially, Arguello, Cabrillo, and…. the prize goes to Ulloa (maybe we should re-name it Youlowah).

  3. Oh, and no one from out of town can understand the way we pronounce “Thirteenth.”

  4. it is generally referred as the Ocean Beach Pavilion though as an earlier commenter pointed out, many different attractions used the building over its 90 year lifespan.

  5. @David – Thanks for the updates and links!

    Sarah B.

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