While many Muni bus shelters have digital displays that tell you when the next bus is arriving, it’s only useful if you’re already at the bus stop.
511 offers a new service that lets you call and get the next departure time for your bus right over the phone. So now you don’t have to leave your home or office early and stand at the stop for extra minutes. Genius in the cold and rainy seasons!
From your phone, dial 511. After the man welcomes you, say “departure times”. They’ll ask you for a stop ID but if you don’t know it, they’ll talk you through identifying it (what line, inbound or outbound, cross streets of your stop).
Then you’ll get an estimate of when the next bus is due to arrive at your exact stop. And they’ll provide you with your stop ID to make calls faster in the future. My Muni bus stop ID was 5 digits so you may want to jot it down somewhere. 😉
Sarah B.
P.S. – Reader Troy points out in the comments that momuni.com is another great resource if you have a smartphone or are at a PC. Thanks Troy!

If you have a smartphone, momuni.com is fantastic. I use it every time I take Muni somewhere.
Thanks Troy! I added that to the post. BTW, when are you doing Best Beers of the Richmond on your blog? 🙂
Well, I’m actually planning to hit up Orgasmica (and maybe 540) this weekend. But as I remember it, the Richmond ain’t exactly brimming with good beer. Not a huge fan of Chalet, either.
Best tequila around, though. 🙂
Well, guess we are forced to make our own then at Brewcraft on Clement @ 17th Ave. http://www.sanfranciscobrewcraft.com/ 🙂