Free SAT prep courses at Richmond Library

The three scariest letters in a the vocabulary of a high school junior: SAT. I still get stomach cramps just thinking about that test.

If you have a high schooler at home or know one who is getting ready for college, be sure they know about the free SAT Intensive workshops that will be offered at the Richmond Library this fall.

Beginning September 25, the course will cover everything a high school junior needs to know to improve their scores on SAT, including: basic test strategy, time management techniques, process of elimination, the essay, vocabulary help, grammar, critical reading and math.

One workshop includes ten hours of instruction, another is just three hours and more condensed. Classes take place in the afternoons from 3pm – 6pm. They’re even providing teenager brain food, aka pizza. 🙂

Enrollment is limited to 25 students and priority is given to students in their junior year. Freshmen and sophomores are automatically put on a waiting list until there is room in the class.

To participate, you MUST sign up online at http://www.successlinktutoring.com/SFPL/.

For more information, contact Gregory Hom, Teen Services Librarian at ghom@sfpl.org or call 415-355-5610.

Sarah B.

One Comment

  1. What a wonderful service being provided to the juniors in the Richmond District at their library. I’m sure the sessions will be oversubscribed!


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