This morning, residents in the Richmond district joined nearly 8 million other Californians in the Big Shakeout earthquake drill. At 10:15 this morning sirens sounded and schools, businesses and government agencies joined in the world record drill.
Here in the neighborhood, Supervisor Eric Mar paused from his coffee meeting at Cafe la Flore on Clement to join others valiantly squeezing under the small topped tables. Among the other neighbors participating today with Supervisor Mar was David Hirtz, the Outer Richmond coordinator for the Neighborhood Emergency Response Team.
NERT is a free training program for individuals, neighborhood groups and community-based organizations in San Francisco. Through this program, individuals can learn the basics of personal preparedness and prevention. The training also includes hands-on disaster skills that will help individuals respond to a personal emergency as well as act as members of a neighborhood response team.
NERT teams throughout the city will step in when (if!) the big one comes to augment the overwhelmed resources of the city. Hirtz says, “There is a whole generation now living in San Francisco that have never experienced an earthquake of the size of Loma Prieta. The drill today is a good step in raising awarness that preparing is important. With a 50% chance a Loma Prieta sized quake will come our way within the next 30 years the time to start preparing is now! Here are 3 things that can increase your survival in the quake: 1) make a plan for you, your family and pets 2) build a kit and 3) get training.”
The Shakeout is a part of the twenty year anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake that will include a city wide NERT drill at the Marina green on Saturday, along with other events. You can find out more on how to prepare and get information on free NERT training at
Special thanks to David Hirtz for sending in this story and photo.
Sarah B.

Supervisor Eric Mar ducks for cover in Cafe la Flore on Clement during this morning’s earthquake drill.