Who hates graffiti? I’m raising my hand up high on this one.
Next Monday night, Supervisor Eric Mar and his staff will host a public meeting to discuss the issue of graffiti vandalism and litter in the Richmond District. Officials from the Department of Public Works will also be on hand for the discussion. Find out how to prevent graffiti, what to do if you encounter it, and give your feedback about your experiences with it in the neighborhood.
The meeting will take place at the Richmond District Recreation Center, 251 18th Avenue, beginning at 5:30pm.
See the picture below? I took it back in June and have reported this graffiti twice to 311. This building at 12th and Geary is STILL covered in graffiti. Sigh.
Sarah B.

Yow! they are supposed to be given 30 days to clean the tags. I am encouraging all the neighbors attending to bring photos of any building that has tags or dumping they have encountered, I’ll certainly have a few with me. the process really needs overhaul. It has been proven time and time again that where tags are cleaned within 24 hours the tagging stops at that location.
This building is on my block and it’s very frustrating that the owner doesn’t do something about it. It makes the whole neighborhood look bad. There’s got to be a better way to do this.
Rachel and others, please come to the meeting and lets do something about getting the owners to be accountable and finding out what our part to help can be!