During my walk along Clement Street today I noticed several changes to the storefronts.
Pinelli’s Flowerland at Clement & 9th finally got the shiny facade it deserves. The poor building has been peeling away for awhile now. Curiously the side of the building near the top did not get painted, but the front and shingle repairs along the front are very welcome.

How many houseware and restaurant supply shops does Clement Street need? Apparently, not as many as we thought. You can find three large ones within 100 yards of each other at 7th and Clement: Dynamo Home Supplies, May Shun Trading Co. and the big daddy of them all, Kamei. But it looks like Dynamo is ready to bow out of the race. They have a closing sale sign out front. Real or just a sales ploy? Was it just one of these new pop-up shops that are trendy? Time will tell.

The space that was 7-11 at 10th and Clement is showing news signs of life. The plywood is gone and something is happening inside. No signs of what yet, but hopefully something we can all use. And please, no more housewares!

Framed and Cornered on Clement Street near 12th Avenue has closed their doors. The store is empty and a for lease sign hangs in the window. I never frequented this business, but it looked like it had been around for a very long time. They always had some nice old San Francisco posters in the window.

Sarah B.
Thanks for the story. Fun to keep up with the changes.
That is too bad about Framed and Cornered. I went there once to buy a mat and have it custom cut, and the woman there was very cheerful and helpful.
“Dynamo is ready to bow out of the race”
I just love the sound of that… Not that I have anything against this store, but there are a couple of soccer clubs under the same name that hopefully will share its destiny one day 🙂
Dynamo was much better when it was the 99 cents Depot. Now they have an even worse selection.
Love the new paint job on Pinelli’s, sad about Framed and Cornered, optimistic about the former 7-11 space on 10th and Clement.