Snapped these pics while cruising by the playground today which is at 33rd Avenue and Clement. It doesn’t look like they’ll hit their March 2010 schedule for re-opening, but it looks like the bulk of the work is done. I imagine the winter rains really slowed them down.
Are you excited for it to open up again?
Sarah B.
Related stories:
12/2/09: Lincoln Park Projects Update
8/7/09: Lincoln Park playground renovation begins

Looking forward to it. Now if we could just get a market to open in the building behind it….
We are SO excited and can’t wait for it to re-open! My little boys always have to stop and see the construction on our way to Roshambo – We love the long scary slide and the terracing too – can’t wait
So what is all the muddy area going to be after completion… grassy area, paved, ?
@Linda – Yes, that will be covered in new grass sod. They took a portion of the lower part and leveled it out for a flatter play area.
Sarah B.
Ditto what Bob said.
What, no swings? What’s up with that?
Boots, it looks there are some under-construction swings over at the left side of the top pic
Looks almost done. is there a scheduled opening date?
Checking in with the project manager – I’ll let you know when I hear back!
Sarah B.