In 2007, San Francisco writer / activist / taxi driver Brad Newsham organized “Beach Impeach Project” on Ocean Beach. Over 600 people gathered to lay down in the sand to spell out the word “IMPEACH!” which was photographed overhead by helicopter and beamed out across the internet.

Fast forward 3 years and we’ve got something much worse on our national plate than an unpopular President. It’s been 64 days since an explosion ripped through the BP-leased Deepwater Horizon rig, 50 miles off the Louisiana coast, killing 11 workers and unleashing over 4 million gallons of oil into the ocean, DAILY. And there’s no end in sight.
Brad Newsham is “taking it to the beach” again this Saturday for “SLASH OIL”:
On Saturday morning, June 26, approximately two thousand people will gather at 10 a.m. on Ocean Beach in San Francisco for a peaceful exercise in democracy and community. We will lie down on the sand, arranged into a sprawling “Slash Oil” image which will be photographed from an overhead helicopter.
To be a part of the Slash Oil event, be at Ocean Beach on Saturday by no later than 10:30am. Newsham is hoping to gather 2,000 people for the photo.
Meet at lucky Stairway 13 on the beach, where Fulton intersects with the Great Highway. Find out more on the Slash Oil website.
Sarah B.
[via SFist]
what kind of fuel is that helicopter going to be using?
A tethered airship worked for taking photos of the post eartquake scene high above SF in 1906…or for modern times, an electric radio controlled plane could also take the shot…now that’s thinking no-oil!