Presidio Landmark public meeting on Monday night

This Monday night from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, the Presidio Trust is holding a tour and update meeting at the new Presidio Landmark apartments inside the 15th Avenue gate.

The event will include a building tour and an introduction to the Landmark’s new management team. There also will be a tour of the Wyman Avenue historic homes and the District’s grounds. The meeting begins in the lobby of the Presidio Landmark at 6:30pm.

At the meeting, organizers will address some recent issues that have arisen from the construction and re-opening of the building:

– A remedy for the recent drainage issues outside the 15th Avenue gate
– Reopening the 14th Avenue Gate
– Options under consideration for the regulation of Battery Caulfield Road and traffic reduction along 15th Avenue. Neighbors also plan to ask the Trust to share the cost of speed humps on 15th Avenue between Lake and California streets.

If you are unable to attend tomorrow’s meeting, but would like to stay involved in the dialogue and learn about future meetings, please send an email to dick.keenan@gmail.com or jeff.rhodes@gmail.com.

For more information on the Public Health Service District, which includes the Presidio Landmark, the historic homes along Wyman Avenue (which are nearly ready to be re-opened), and various businesses in the district, visit http://www.presidio.gov/trust/projects/phsh/.

Special thanks to RichmondSFBlog reader Beth for sending this in.

Sarah B.

The recently restored Wyman Avenue homes on the east side of the District.