9 But, Mom! Let me in!!! I haz present! Posted on September 10, 2010 by Sarah B. Glad to know the felines are out there keeping the Richmond safe. Good kitty! Photo by Stephoto1000.
He’s a proud hunter and definitely strives to make the Outer Richmond safer! Thanks for the comments, I shall let Butters know…
So, that’s where my little mouse went. Happy trails little buddy…
Earning one’s keep.
great pic
Love this! feel guilty, but it made my day. those blue eyes cannot be denied.
Love this pic.
He’s a proud hunter and definitely strives to make the Outer Richmond safer! Thanks for the comments, I shall let Butters know…
Cross-eyed kitty! I can’t decide if the mouse is dead or has his little hands clasped in prayer.
yeah, I know this pic well! BG