SFCitizen got a special preview of the 7 new Belles townhomes that were built in the Presidio alongside the historic Wyman Avenue homes and swanky Presidio Landmark apartments.
His review of the 3 bed / 3 bath homes? “These units are well fitted out, to a higher level than what you’ll find at the more suburban Wyman residences to the west and the more youthful (and also more empty-nester, I’d guess) Landmark Apartments to the east.”
A few pics below; see the rest over at SFCitizen.
No word yet on what rents will be for the 1,700 sq. foot townhomes, but you know the drill here. It’s livin’ in the Presidio so nothing comes cheap. Commenter Westender says a Presidio rep told him rents will be between $7000 and $10,000 a month. But damn, isn’t that a nice view from your 400 square foot deck on a clear day?
Sarah B.

Uhhh…”Presidio livin” at the tune of $7,000 to $10,000 is not really living in my world.
Those are the figures one of the Presidio reps threw out, comparing living in this remote part of S.F. to that of Snob Hill and the Russian Hill areas. That’s per month! I had to ask. I needed clarification. I needed a reality check. The Presidio needs a reality check.
Thanks, Westender for the info. They gave you a *range* for the rental pricing? I always thought their bidding system was strange, but I guess they’re happy to drive the prices up if the market demands.
Sarah B.
More than likely some huge rich corp will rent it out for execs and write it off as business expense.
Great thing about the ridiculousness of the rental prices, is that someone will pay it and the park gets the money. Win-win in my book. Now if they can just increase the base speed limit to 25 all around, that would be the cherry. 20MPH on Washington/Battery Caulfield is too slow. Burns more gas to maintain.
I liked these the least of the three communities/buildings offered. Hated the layout and all the stairs. The best would be the Wyman houses/duplexes and the next would be a two-bedroom corner unit at the big building. But honestly, I wouldn’t care to live in any of them and I love the Presidio. If you could take a Wyman house and move it to a place more convenient, maybe.
Just imagine what that amount of a Mortgage payment would get you $7-10k. Plus the association fees. I wonder how much they run. Sliding scale for that too? $200-500/ month? If some one has $7-10K and month to rent just seems like such a waste you don’t even have your own back yard? and people living below and above you…Looks like a yuppie farm dormitory
I went to the open house — nice event but…in the single family homes that have been renovated, I couldn’t believe some of what I saw. The original doors had clearly been repainted many times over the years and there were places where there was a huge difference — maybe 1/8″ — in the level of the surface in many places on the doors. In the house that has MONTHLY rent of (I believe it’s) $8900 door after door I looked at, and not one had been stripped or sanded — just a fresh coat of paint slapped on. The stairs leading to the top floor had new carpet, but it had been installed so badly that on the first open house day, it was already fraying on the wall side, and in other places it wasn’t lying flat? In one of the “show” apartments in the old hospital, the bathroom had been redone all in black and white…but behind the door, for some inexplicable reason, the new sink and surround were ivory colored — didn’t match at all. For $8900 a month, I hardly think those are “nitpicks” — those are luxury prices — and these are buildings that are supposed to have been or a building that “completely renovated” with all new everything — except architectural details. Who would ever let workmen get away with such bad, half-a**ed work on their own home?