A friend of mine said he noticed fencing all the way around the Polo Fields on Friday. Today, RichmondSFBlog reader rodesfishburne said he heard from SF Rec & Park that the Polo Fields will remain closed until March 2011.
During the closure, they are installing new irrigation and anti-vole technology.
Voles are also known as meadow mice or field mice, and according to Wikipedia they are “a small rodent resembling a mouse but with a stouter body, a shorter hairy tail, a slightly rounder head, smaller ears and eyes, and differently formed molars.”
Perhaps we need more stray cats in Golden Gate Park to eradicate these voles? 😉 It would be interesting to know what technology they’re using to ward off these evil voles. I found these stakes that emit a noise at a frequency of 300 Hz and a vibration from the internal motor.
Below is a photo of the work taken a couple of weeks ago. Thanks orion for the tip!
Sarah B.
Photo by orionsan.
The blue heron who came there for vole snacks will be missed
I spoke to one of the greenskeepers who said that this is the method they will employ to eradicate the voles
@orion – LOL! We’d have to sell tickets to that!
here’s a picture of the work in progress, taken a couple weeks ago:
Thanks, orion! Great photo.
Well, as long as they keep the fence up and pave the field when they are done, we’ll all know that the Rec and Park service was on top of things. I couldn’t be more proud of them.
I believe It is the resident gophers that are mostly responsible for destroying the field in the past. Hopefully, they will be excluded from calling the Polo Field their home in the future.