The little house that could? It still will.

We mentioned back in July that this little house at 1720 Anza, sandwiched between two larger neighbors, sold for $330,000. At the time, perhaps pessimistically, I predicted that the house would be a goner and replaced with a let’s-take-up-the-whole-lot building that is the trend these days.

But I was wrong! Turns out the 1,000 square foot house, which was in a very serious state of disrepair, is being given a new lease on life.

According to the SF Dept. of Building Inspection, the house is undergoing a major remodel – but NOT a teardown.

Permits were issued to remodel the bathroom and the kitchen, upgrade the foundation, replace windows, install skylites, install a new furnace, lay new flooring… This little castle is getting the full makeover.

I can’t wait to see the after pictures. It’s such a cute little house.

Thanks to RichmondSFBlog reader Jamie for the tip.

Sarah B.

Photo by Crooka


  1. It’s too bad that they can’t move the house up closer to the street to match with the rest of the streetwall formed by the other buildings. It would give them a nice backyard too.

  2. @Chris – I think that’s one of the nicer features that it’s set back. Even if they moved it up, I think it would still look awkward next to it’s bigger neighbors. Hopefully they’ll do something nice with the front yard area (e.g. lose the giant steel fence that’s been up there and landscape a bit).

    Sarah B.

  3. Excellent! And yes, a large set-back is often a key sign of an older house. To move it up even with the street wall would destroy that character-defining aspect of the property. Besides, with a picket fence around the front of the lot, it could be just as good as a back yard!

  4. The photos give the illusion of a really deep inset, but if you were to see it on Google Street View, you’d see its not THAT deep inset at all. Looks like it will be a nice house when they finish!

  5. I live directly across from this house. It’s so cool to see this thing develop day after day. Keep an eye out, its a real gem.

  6. I had no idea you could find something this cheap. Great opportunity for sweat equity and a DIYer.

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