Every nice day deserves a lemonade stand

These young entrepreneurs were set up at Clement and 41st Avenue today, selling lemonade, cookies and brownies. They told photographer oceanpoetry that “business has been good!”

I hope everyone was able to enjoy our great weather this weekend. And remember, whenever you see a lemonade stand, it’s your neighborhood duty to stop and spend. 😉

Sarah B.


  1. Pretty funny that they are serving the lemonade in a Tommy’s pitcher!

  2. Pretty funny that they are breaking the law now that Sit/Lie is on the books.

  3. Where’s your business permit? Street vendor permit? Health Dept. inspection clearance? Fair labor practice statement? Healthy foods statement? Fair trade statement? What about ADA compliance? Was the design of this stand debated at PAR? Were the ingredients locally sourced and sustainably produced?


    You go, kids!

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