If we win, you win. Vote for us in the Most Valuable Blogger Awards

Hi readers,

We’re still in the running as a finalist in the CBS-SF Most Valuable Blogger Awards. Click to vote for us if you’re so inclined (voting ends Sept. 9).

What’s at stake? A $50 Amazon gift certificate (I know, jaw-dropping, right?!). If we do end up winning, we’ll turn right around and give away the gift card to one of our readers in a fun drawing.

So if we win, you could win too. We think it’s much better that way.

Thanks for your votes – we sincerely appreciate it!

Sarah B.


  1. It’s easy to vote for you because you really do provide such a valuable service to the whole neighborhood! Good luck! 🙂

  2. I agree with the other posters–you do provide a valuable service to the folks in the Richmond (and those who are interested in this neighborhood). Thanks to you and other posters for the interesting history and photos, news about freebies and store openings, politics affecting the area, and more! Hope this blog gets the brass ring!

  3. As a born and raiised in the “Richmond”, I find its a great way to keep in touch with whats going on even though I’ve moved to the Sacramento area (Rancho Cordova).

  4. hey, i noticed you could vote once a day, so since i stopped by again i thought i’d vote twice

  5. Just voted. My family and I are new to SF and this area. Nice way to keep up with thangs!

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