Speed check in place at 44th & Pt. Lobos after accident overturns car

RichmondSFBlog reader Robyn sent us this photo of a Honda CRV on its keester yesterday.

Robyn reports that the car, holding two teenage girls, was crossing at 44th Avenue around 8:30am on Tuesday when another heading east up Pt. Lobos t-boned it, toppling it over.

Today a speed check was set up by police at the intersection. The maximum speed limit is 25mph but Robyn says, “most people are blazing thru @ 50” as they drive up from Ocean Beach.

Be careful out there, folks!

Sarah B.


  1. This was a topic at the monthly community meeting at the Richmond Station last night. One of the local residents came to talk with our new CaptainEric Vintero (t was his first day!) about the excessive speed of so many of the cars driveing on that western-most stretch of Pt. Lobos. The Captain said that he would get a car out there to try to calm it. Clearly, he did.

  2. The problem with speed checks and the like is, it’s there for a day or two and it’s back to usual. A while back they did a sting for cars not stopping to let peds cross Geary Blvd and that only lasted a day.

  3. Indeed, the speed checkpoints will come and go, and the same problem will still remain: horrible street design. Sunset and Richmond residents, please get involved and start urging the Planning Department to move ahead on streetscape improvement studies in your neighborhoods. The Mission Streetscape Plan is one I know well, and it has all sorts of cool ideas on how to improve street design.

    Then after that, It’s time to implement these damn studies, not put them on a shelf! Streets are for people. They should be safe for pedestrians, bicycles, and cars (that is, not allow them to travel at unsafe speeds). They shouldn’t take up such a huge square footage without proper drainage of rainwater, for that matter.

    In the near term, something’s got to be done. Speed bumps? Even adding some parking spaces down the middle would increase safety by narrowing thoroughfares.

  4. Apparently, supervisor Mar feels it’s much more important to plant pretty flowers along Geary blvd. and make sure there are no toys in the Happy Meals than work on pedestrian safety.

  5. If only there were pretty flowers on Geary. The median strips on Geary are a disgrace and infuriate me every single day! Wasn’t there a group a while back that was going to take on the Geary St. median strips? I was interested in joining up but never saw another thing about it. The really discouraging thing is the work and plantings that were done on the ones around park presidio that are left unwatered and weed choked.

  6. I am curious since this is a byway from the beach, how much of the traffic, especially high speed, at those avenues are tourists/weekend warriors. I know when I go through there, I assume it is 35 or 25 and there will be pedestrians like the rest of Geary.

  7. Let’s rally the neighborhood for change. Ignore the Supervisor and simply petition our city government to change the street configuration to stop speeders in our neighborhood. It’s getting silly how fast people are driving in/out of the area.

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