Grubstreet’s got the scoop on a newcomer to the neighborhood. Japanese restaurant Yuubi will be opening this Thursday at 501 Balboa Street. It will also include a sushi bar.
No menu has been posted yet on their website or on their Facebook page, so you foodies will just have to be surprised. They did throw out this tagline on one of their Facebook posts: “Where fresh fish meets good price!”.
The nice corner location was formerly home to King Sing Chinese. Namu used to be just down the block but since they moved, perhaps Yuubi will pick up some of their former customers.
Welcome to the neighborhood, Yuubi! If any readers stop in to try them out, leave a review in the comments.
Sarah B.
This former grocery store location has had a series of failed Chinese restaurants in the last 20+ years, ever since China House closed. Here’s hoping a Japanese sushi place can break the curse. I like the remodeling that has been going on, especially liberating.the old Lackman’s grocery glass panels above the door-line. The dark color choices on the exterior might be an indication of smart management. I wish them success.
Thanks for your interest menu will be simple to begin with to minimize error for new run business. Opening date is yet to be determine but will be posted on Facebook. Hope to see you there in the near future.
smart location, can probably pick up alot of the ppl who come out to tekka, but can’t get in or don’t want to wait. happy that something good will be on this corner, but balboa needs a taqueria!!!