“Bollywood Nights” after-hours event at the Conservatory, July 25

Next Wednesday, the Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park will stay open late for “Bollywood Nights”, a spicy evening of Indian culture, food, music and dance.

Stop by between 6 and 10pm to enjoy Indian-themed fun including a chance to learn Bollywood dance moves with Non Stop Bhangra, the San Francisco dance party celebrating the beautiful and vibrant spirit of Bhangra, a traditional Punjabi folk music and dance.

The Chai Cart will also be on-site, offering free samples, along with food truck Curry Up Now, selling their popular kathi rolls, kababs and other delectable Indian street food staples (all items for $8 or less).

On top of all the Indian flare, you can enjoy the beautiful plants and flowers in the Conservatory after hours, including the current Plantosaurus Rex exhibit.

The event is 21+ only, tickets are $5 at the door.

Sarah B.


  1. Your title should read July 25 not June 25, just saying.
    Looks like fun.

  2. @Peter – It’s a Back to the Future event too! 🙂 Thx for the note, doh! :))

    Sarah B.

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