This afternoon a fire broke out at K Design, a print shop located on the corner of 6th Avenue and Balboa. According to SFAppeal, the owner of the store called in the fire at about 3:10 p.m. and SFFD crews contained it by about 3:25 p.m.
RichmondSFBlog reader Derek was walking home when he came upon the fire, which required firefighters to close off Balboa Street between 5th and 6th Avenues.
“The sign store is a total loss and the restaurant Melisa’s next door had to have a hole cut in the roof to make sure the fire hadn’t spread there. Otherwise it’s salvageable. I talked with one of two guys who were working at Melisa’s and he said they saw the smoke and got out. No one was injured there or at the sign store. I also asked paramedics on scene about injuries and they said no one was hurt,” Derek said.
SFFD are still investigating the cause of the fire.
Despite the commotion, Derek says Cinderella Bakery, located just two doors down from the burning print shop, remained open for business.
“People were allowed to still shop and eat there as the firefighters did their thing!”
Thanks to Derek for sending in photos as well.
Sarah B.

SFFD outside K Design, where the windows were shattered during the fire

Firefighters break open and climb into the crawl space above Melisa’s Chinese restaurant to check for fire

oh no! Melisa’s is one of my favorite places that does delivery! Hope they are back soon!!
I don’t think Melisa’s will be out of commission for long (if at all)! Derek reports the damage to their place was pretty minimal (no fire damage, just SFFD busting some ceiling tiles to check for flames).
Melisa’s!! my go to place once a week (ok, twice a week). Glad they weren’t too badly hurt.
I absolutely must visit this Cinderella Bakery noted above. They have some goodies on their menu that sound delicious.
Yes! When I was a kid I’d my folks would sometimes treat me to their Piroshkis (sp?). These are the REAL thing!! So if anyone out there is on a diet forget it….
Cinderella is not what it used to be. The restaurant portion is gone, the piroshki are much greasier than they ever have been. I used to go there for Russian Easter back in the 1960s with family friends that fled China after fleeing Russia when the Bolsheviks took over. Believe new owners took over about 10 years ago.
Melisa’s will be back pronto. SFPD picks up takeout there almost every day for lunch.
I stopped by for a look at Melisa’s and saw a sign taped to the door saying they’ll be renovating because of some water damage. But they *will* be back.
I had no idea! I love Melisa’s restaurant and their crab rangoons and spicy chicken. Wish they were open because now I’m craving some…