January 1952: Looking down at the Sutro Baths. Salt water flowed in from the sea and the pools
were heated to different temperatures. (Joseph J. Rosenthal / Courtesy of The Chronicle)
The Chronicle’s Peter Hartlaub dipped into the paper’s extensive photo archives this week to highlight the old, great (giant!) pools of San Francisco. There are some great shots of Sutro Baths in there, as well as some impressive shots of the Fleishhacker Pool.
Sarah B.

During the demolition of Sutro Baths, late 1966. Courtesy of The SF Chronicle

July 5, 1961: Fleishhacker Pool thrived until the early 1960s. These badass kids are
jumping off high diving platform. Courtesy of The SF Chronicle
Hard to believe that much time has passed, I used to swim laps at Fleishhacker Pool just before it closed. They even let me use swim fins, mask and snorkel. It was refreshing swimming in salt water instead of chlorine.
I have a picture of me and my brother at Fleishacker pool! Was just a teeny tiny kid at the time though so don’t really remember much….
Thanks for this story, I had no idea it had been there and always wondered what that building was.
Here are some more photos I found of it: http://1.usa.gov/OFILNd
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