It looks like everyone enjoys a little whimsy… The mysterious miniature door in Golden Gate Park has been capturing our imaginations for the last week, and now the mainstream media is lavishing it with coverage.
NBC News Bay Area (Video): The Mystery of the Tiny Door in a Tree
ABC News: Itty-Bitty Park Door Opens to a World of Mystery
CBS 5 San Francisco (Video): Tree With Door Enchants Golden Gate Park Visitors
Yahoo! News: Mystery elf door in park sparks attention on the Web
NY Daily News: Enchanting elf-sized door in San Francisco fascinates visitors of Golden Gate Park
Daily Mail (UK): Welcome to Wonderland!
Good Morning America (Video): Tiny Door in Tree Opens Imaginations in San Francisco Community
ABC 7 News (Video): Crowds drawn to small door in tree at SF’s GG Park
Whoever lives behind that door might want to look into some security from paparazzi! 😉
Sarah B.

I love the young boy’s comment at the end of the video, straight to the point: “Who wouldn’t like a little door in a tree?”
I love the door and the comments on the original post crack me up!
Awesome, I’ll have to go visit and bring a tiny gift for whoever may be inside of there… 🙂
Maybe a little Prince lives in there…
I’ve got a bad feeling that with all this coverage the door’s days are numbered….
Remember what happened with the Pole Gardens?
CBS, Channet 5 got a story too and it mentioned your “blog”.
I just went to go look at the door an it looks like the door was removed. Pretty unfortunate.
Went to see the door this afternoon and it was gone. How sad!
My daughter went to find the door and it has been removed along with all the notes. Too sad!