We finally made the trek out to see the mini door in the tree in Golden Gate Park’s concourse last night, only to discover that it had been removed! Heartbreaking.
Some commenters over the last week feared that all the media attention the fairy door received would eventually lead to its disappearance. We just didn’t want to believe that could happen. But some killjoy just couldn’t help themselves.
Also gone were most of the offerings the people had left inside the tree – notes, flowers, plastic mini cupcakes… All that remained were a couple of notes (“Is the fairy tooth real? Love, Viviana”, “Dear Elves, Hi my name is Becky I would like to know if you can predict the future?”), twigs and a pencil.
Perhaps the occupant had to leave in a hurry, but in reality, it’s probably more that people just suck sometimes. We’ll keep our fingers crossed that the door may reappear there – or elsewhere.
Thank you fairy door for bringing a little bit of whimsy into our lives.
UPDATE: ABC News reports that the door was removed by Rec & Park “because it had damaged the tree”. But due to outcry, they have restored it. We haven’t checked, but hoping it’s back where it belongs…
Sarah B.
The Atlantic Cities: An Awful Person Destroyed Golden Gate Park’s ‘Fairy Door’

Not ADA compliant. The door was removed. The tree was sued and went out of business.
man, the nerve of some people. People DO suck sometimes, can’t just leave things alone. It’s about honor, people just don’t have it here in the states. I was in Japan earlier this year and their security and public vandalism is very very minimal because it is very dishonorable to vandalize and steal. Just a big difference in our cultures… boo
This makes me sad. It was such a treat for children and adults alike. A little magic and whimsy in everyone’s day.
Just saw on the news SF Rec and Park took the door off because it damaged the tree. Supposedly they are going to put it back on though.
So by RIPPING the door off SF Rec and Park has made things better?
SF city government SUCKS!!!
As Ronald Reagen said “Government is not the solution to our problem, government IS the problem”
Pretty severe action to take the door off and cart it away. Of all the home invasion reports I’ve ever seen in no case did the intruders cart away the door. The residents were undoubtedly terrified.
Someone should have booby traped it so when the door is ripped off it releasses a wasp hive insde the tree. For the record F**K Park & Rec.
I have a hard time believing that Parks & Rec thought the door was damaging the tree. I saw it today. The way P&R ripped it out or cut it off clearly damaged the tree way more than the tiny hinges did. Shame on them.
I hope the elves and fairies stage a mini protest over the loss of their mini door.
Whoever ripped, no, RIPPED the tiny door off its hinges should be wary.
Remember, Hobbits turned out be pretty BAD ASS in the Lord of the Rings movies!!
I wish someone would steal the lines for those overly useful well thought out bike lanes.
It’s coming back! http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local/san_francisco&id=9050737