Photo by jmanhughes
This Saturday from 9am until 12noon, Ben & Jerry’s is sponsoring an Ocean Beach volunteer cleanup. Come lend a hand at the beach to pick up trash, remove graffiti and do some light landscaping.
As thanks for their hard work, the Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Truck will be on scene to give volunteers free scoops of their new City Churned ice cream, ice cream flavors as voted by local residents. The company held a contest and the winning ingredients for San Francisco are: Cookie Dough, Kika’s Treats, Caramel, TCHO Chocolate, Marshmallows, Fair Trade Coffee and Fairtrade Vanilla. So very SF, right? 🙂
Volunteers of all ages are welcome at the event. To participate, meet at Ocean Beach, Stairwell 21, located just south of the Beach Chalet Restaurant. The closest intersection is Lincoln Way and the Great Highway.
For more information, visit the event page.
Sarah B.
Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself…..
Dungeness crab ice cream, no… Sourdough ice cream, no….Cioppino ice cream, no….fog ice cream, no….international orange color ice cream…Darn! Voting is over!! sigh
Not really voted on my San Franciscans….more like determined by the sponsors, two of which are TCHO Chocolate and Kika’s Treats. Of course those two would make it into the final mix, even if nobody ‘picked’ them.
TCHO chocolate is great, so I like that, but I will probably stick to my tried and true local ice cream purveyors…