Cassava Bakery & Cafe owners with Supervisor Mar (read more below). Photo courtesy of Supervisor Eric Mar’s office
Happy Friday! Hard to believe it’s November already. Here are some local links to take your mind off how fast this year is flying by…
- Owners Kristoffer Toliao and Yuka Ioroi (and husband and wife) of Cassava Cafe & Bakery were recently honored at City Hall by Supervisor Eric Mar for this year’s Restaurant Appreciation Month. ” They have been a source of great food, wonderful company, and the revitalization of the neighborhood,” Mar’s office wrote.
- SFAppeal writes about a real estate investor group that is may try to evict all the tenants at 2405 Anza, include a single parent and two seniors, who have been living at the location for 36 years. That’s because they want to recoup their investment and flip the building as a Tenancy-in-Common (TIC). The investor, who pled guilty to shady dealings in the past, asserts that since the Ellis Act is state law, he’s only acting within his rights as a property owner. Read the full story
- The 5L Fulton line went into operation this week and is getting high marks from many MUNI commuters. “20 minutes from home to downtown; thanks SF Muni for the 5 Limited and for making Monday almost bearable,” tweeted one rider. The 5L runs during peak commute hours in the morning and evenings, Monday through Friday, and makes all stops from Ocean Beach to 6th Avenue, and then limited stops until from 6th Avenue until it reaches Van Ness Avenue. Though one blogger is wondering why the new faster 5L buses are electric instead of diesel.
- Earlier this month, The SFPUC held their first public meeting about the Baker Beach Green Street project, designed to manage stormwater and improve water quality at Baker Beach. The project is focused on enhancements in two corridors: El Camino Del Mar between the Legion of Honor and the Lands End Trailhead, and on Sea Cliff Avenue between 25th and 26th Avenues. They’d like to get your thoughts in their online survey.
- Roadside BBQ at 2nd & Geary was sold and now has a new name/brand: GS Riverside Grill. We weren’t frequent diners of the Roadside but the menu under new ownership looks pretty similar – lots of BBQ, a kid’s menu, and some homemade pies.
- A cyclist who was struck by a driver at 3 in the morning on Tuesday at California Street and 8th Avenue is expected to survive. Hilah Sulme, 56, was taken into custody after the collision, which was reported at 3:13am. Sulme allegedly fled from the scene but was later found and taken into custody. Drugs and alcohol are not believed to be factors in the collision, police said. [SFAppeal]
- Aziza restaurant on Geary will maintain their single Michelin Star rating for 2014. Way to represent!
- Interested in telling the story of the Richmond District in photos? The Richmond Branch library is offering a 3 session program with wward-winning photojournalist Frederic Larson called “Through Our Eyes: Visual Stories of the Richmond Neighborhood”. It’s an intensive photo documentary class and study of the Richmond neighborhood where each student will create a visual story over the course of the class. Stories will be submitted to the city’s archives where they will be available for research and public use. The class meets November 9: 3-5pm, November 23: 2:45-5:30pm, and December 14: 3-5pm. Space is limited to 20 people, so be sure to register online in advance.
- Creative Canopy on California Street near 6th Avenue is celebrating their first birthday with a holiday craft fair on November 16 from 10am until 3pm. Many of Canopy’s artists and teachers will be present to share their craft ideas and class information and offer workshops for projects. Many will have gifts to sell for the holiday season. View the event flyer
- Brian Boitano will be at Green Apple Books on Saturday, November 16 at 4pm to discuss his latest culinary tome, “What Would Brian Boitano Make?”.
- Cycle over to the Family Bike Safety Fair on Saturday, November 16 at Roosevelt School from 10am until 2pm. The fair is being put on by Assemblymember Phil Ting and it will feature a bike obstacle course and information booths on bike safety and opportunities to make San Francisco more bike friendly. First 300 families receive free bike safety equipment for children.
- Local artist Karen Lechelt is offering a free download of her children’s e-book “What Do You Love About You?” via Amazon until November 4, featuring black and white line drawings of funny animals revealing what they love about themselves. “It indirectly explores what it unique about us all, while binding us together in the idea that we all share a commonality of pride and self-love,” Lechelt told us. Download it here
Really liking the new 5L service. Long overdue!