1. I like that. It is all nature and virtually ephemeral. It will not linger on in any museum, but will be levelled again into a clean canvas by the tide. And yet it is done anyway. I am glad the artist has a nice business going, but I would love to see more people beautifying the world just because it is here and so are we.

  2. This is so beautiful and right here in our city to behold.Thank you Andreas.

  3. Thank you for posting! Didn’t realize our beach could get any more beautiful 🙂

  4. Your work is beautiful, Amador. The ephemeral nature of this work reminds me of the practice of Tibetan sand painting, painstakingly done with colored grains of sand, after which the sand is swept up and returned to a nearby body of water. It’s a ritualistic way of reminding us of the transitory nature of all things.

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