Celebrate Easter at Eggstravaganza in Golden Gate Park, Saturday

Photo courtesy of SF Rec & Park

This Saturday is the annual Eggstravaganza in Golden Gate Park, sponsored by the SF Recreations & Parks department.

The festival runs from 11am until 3pm at Sharon Meadow and features egg hunts, carnival rides, games, live entertainment, kids activities and a barbecue competition between Rec and Park, SFPD and SFFD.

Admission is $8 per person, and bike valet parking will be available.

Happy Easter!

Sarah B.

This is from 2012, but it gives you a good idea of the fun stuff at Eggstravaganza:


  1. On Sunday the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’s 35th annual Easter event is held in Golden Gate Park, due to construction in Dolores Park. http://www.thesisters.org
    Hunky Jesus contest, Easter Bonnet contest, even a “Foxy Mary” contest and various performers at Speedway Meadow/Hellman Hollow. 12ish to 3:30-ish.

  2. Also, Sunday’s date is April 20 (420) and your kids would get a contact high from all the potheads.

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