[Reprinted from The Richmond Police Station Newsletter of May 15, 2014. To be added to the station’s mailing list, email sfpd.richmond.station@sfgov.org.]
This week, I thought it would be informative to show our readers the geographic boundaries of the area served by Richmond Station:

The police district is divided into 5 sectors with each sector assigned to an officer or pair of officers during their patrol shift. Because our patrol shifts overlap, there are often more than two officers assigned to a sector during the busiest times of the day. We also have officers on patrol on foot, riding bikes and in the parks, so the car sectors alone do not account for all of our staffing. In addition, we have some officers like our plainclothes and traffic officers who are assigned to specific problems within the district.
Just because an officer is assigned to a particular sector doesn’t mean that they won’t respond into another sector. Since police work is unpredictable, we remain flexible about shifting our staffing to make certain that high priority calls are handled quickly. Richmond Station has one of the fastest response times to emergency calls in the City.
Our staffing isn’t limited to the station, since we have all the resources of the SFPD to call on when we need them. For example, last week all of our units were responding to calls so a unit from Northern Station came over and investigated a collision involving an intoxicated driver for us. Another example will be this Sunday when officers from all over the City will help us with the Bay to Breakers event.
Right now, the SFPD is studying district boundaries and station staffing to ensure that we are making the most effective and efficient use of resources, so Richmond’s boundaries may (or may not) change in the future.
Our next Community meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 6pm. It will be in the Community Room, here at Richmond Station, 461 6th Ave.
On 05/09/14 at 7:50am, the victim was walking on Washington at Divisadero, wearing headphones. She was suddenly grabbed from behind, with the suspect wrapping his arms around her. The suspect demanded her property and ripped the headphones from her ears. He forced her to the ground and took her bag which contained an iPad, phone and wallet. The victim saw that the suspect was wearing a mask as he fled south on Divisadero St. A witness saw the suspect after he took off his mask and saw him examining the iPad. The witness attempted to follow the suspect, but lost him. The bag and a school notebook were recovered by passersby and returned to the victim. The suspect was described as a black male, 19-23yrs, wearing a black windbreaker. The victim was uninjured.
Between 05/10/14, 12pm and 05/12/14, 1pm on the 100 block of 22nd Ave, a suspect entered a multi-unit garage by unknown means and took a bike.
On 05/10/14 at 10:30pm, the victim walked out of his garage on the 500 block of 23rd Ave. He observed 5 males skateboarding in front of his home and new damage to the frame of his garage door. He told the males to leave and go to a skate park. The males then moved along but came back and began to skate board in front of his neighbors house. Again he went out and asked them to move along and took a photo of one of the males. While attempting to take a second photo, one of the males swung his skateboard at the victim’s hand, striking it. The victim believes that the suspect was actually trying to knock the phone from his hand. The suspects then fled west on Balboa and got into a gray SUV and fled the area. They were described as Asian males, 20-24yrs, one wearing a blue t-shirt and gray sweatpants, one in an orange shirt and one in all black clothing. The victim told the officer that they had a camcorder on a tri-pod and were filming themselves.
Between 05/12/14, 5:30pm and 05/13/14, 11:45am on the 5300 block of Geary, a suspect entered a business under construction by removing the lock on the front door. The suspect took three TV’s, food scales and a hot water dispenser. All items were new and still in boxes.
On 05/13/14 at 12:30pm, officers responded to a call of a male breaking into an apartment on the 400 block of Locust. A caller was reporting that she saw a male going up the steps to a house and “shimmy” along a wall. The caller then reported that a short time later they saw the suspect jump out of a window and flee in a white Nissan Altima. As the officers arrived, the tenant of the apartment whose window the suspect jumped from also came home. A walkthrough was conducted and the victim saw that cash had been taken. The suspect was described as a Hispanic or black male, wearing blue gym shorts, a white t-shirt and red gloves with the fingers cut out.
Between 05/13/14, 10:30pm and 05/14/14, 7:30am on the 100 block of Stanyan, a suspect entered a locked laundry room of an apartment building and took a bike. There was no damage to the lock.
On 05/14/14, between 12:30am and 5am on the 400 block of Anza, a suspect entered an apartment while the occupants were asleep. The tenants had left a window ajar due to the heat, which the suspect climbed through. It appears that the suspect took a ladder from somewhere nearby to access the window as it was found on the ground below. The suspect took two laptops, two tablets and a purse
Well, I live in precinct 3g4. I see now why I never see cops on patrol: this precinct has the both the single biggest portion of residential streets to oversee and the largest single chunk of GG park.
strange I never had skateboarder problems until recently but I have had them lately, damage as well. Maybe the same bunch of A-holes as above. Last week I filmed them for several minutes before confronting them and scaring them off. Maybe I should call the cops and offer my footage in case it is the same ones who attacked that guy above.
Multiply that skateboard scene by dozens of they approve a skateboard park at the end of the park. Spillover from the park will be inevitable. Most skateboarders are just having fun, butthere is a SIGNIFICANT minority of skateboarders who don’t care about your property – to the point where they will destroy your property in the name of their “fun”.
A recent example: I was at the Ferry Bldg last week. Skateboarders were all over the open space in front, buzzing pedestrians; zipping in and out of traffic, etc. I watched people bumped and cars screeching on their brakes. I watched a crew of about 7-8 low-lifers grinding every space they could find, with one of them filming all this with a high end camcorder – those losers were roughly 19-24 years of age. At one point they were grinding on a public information carrel that had photos and text of the history of the Ferry Bldg. They were literally marking up the photos with their skateboards and gouging out the lettering underneath as they ground on that public amenity. I walked over and asked them please not to do this to a public amenity and the guy with the camera kept it running and walked up to me, putting in into my face, filming me as I asked in a nice way for them to stop – they all laughed and started to mock me.
I have seen this over and over at, near, or in proximity to skate parks. Take a walk downtown and look at all the extra expense that has been endured to mount those L-shaped metal edge protectors to keep skateboarders from grinding (you can also see them at the Land’s End Visitor’s Center.
@phil I know what you mean. If skateboarders want a skatepark THEY should raise the money to install one AND maintain it.
Let’s see how they’d feel about someone *else* coming in and destroying it they way they do other people’s property.