The 38L. By Lucia Garcia. Click to enlarge.
Here’s hoping that you’re not having a Manic Monday. But in case you are, here are some local links to get you through…
- Local designer Lucia Garcia sent us the above poster, for which she says “Just wanted to share a project I created, a poster showing the road section and landmarks for Muni 38L route.” Thanks Lucia – we love it (along with this graphic of the Outer Richmond)!
In other MUNI-related news, there is a new iPhone app called MuniStops that not only shows you the data on upcoming MUNI buses, but also estimates your walking time from your current location to bus stop of choice. ‘Tis free.
- And in the “we can never get enough neighborhood love” department, now you can get your very own Neighborhood Love Patch. Iron on the heart on the Richmond District (or other fave ‘hood) and then attach the patch to whatever you want – $7. The same online store also has a Neighborhoods by the Zodiac Poster but for some reason, the Richmond District was not worthy of being on it. Boo. So we’ll ask you – which Zodiac sign are we?
- Listen up, upcoming lady attendees of Outside Lands! If the porta-potties at outdoor festivals get you down, look no further than the Stand Up, described as “your first disposable, biodegradable, clutch-purse-fittable, pocket-slippable peeing accessory.” Different packs range from $6 to $16. Now you can pee like the boys! Hooray…?
- The former Pho Garden restaurant (2109 Clement), known for its nausea-inducing Pho Challenge has been replaced by a new spot called Spicy Legend. We haven’t been by yet so we’re not sure if it’s open; nothing on Yelp yet. UPDATE: Reader Jon C. reports that they’re now open daily, 11-3:30 and 4:30 to 10pm, and that “it looks like they’re specializing in Szechuan dishes”.
- The skee-ball league known as Brewskee-Ball got a feature in the Chronicle recently. “Three nights a week, a total of 32 teams with names like the Lionel Richskees and the Skeemosexuals compete against each other at the Buckshot.” Hopefully this positive publicity for the game will help in their lawsuit with the makers of Skee-Ball.
- We’re guessing this Subaru driver was more than surprised to find their front nose under a 38 Geary bus last Thursday at 45th Avenue and Point Lobos. The photo was tweeted by @bonanos who said “no injuries apparent”.

Why did Pho garden shut down? They seemed to be doing very well; that place was packed every time I went in there.
Love that Geary 38 Line graphic. Would have been nice to somehow indicate elevations on it but that would have made it more complicated. In these times of global warming and rising sea levels it seems like much of the Richmond District is blessed with good elevation.
Nice graphic.
Not too sure b. Condos and 9. pharmacy qualify as landmarks, though. Also, the Bridge is being converted, and the Alexandria has been sold to developers, so that will soon have to change to 6. condos as well.
And I rather think we refer to our district as “The” Richmond in order to distinguish ourselves from that other East Bay municipality.
The line that my family and me most often taken 🙂
Just walked by Spicy Legend a few moments ago…I believe they just opened today for dinner hours. From the posted menu, it looks like they’re specializing in Szechuan dishes. The inside looks very nice–they didn’t need to do much renovation after Pho Garden closed (they kept it very clean), just some newer furniture and color I believe.
Follow-up…Spicy Legend is open 11-3:30 and 4:30 to 10pm…the website is spicylegend.com. 🙂
I found the “Walk to End Alzheimer’s” banner kind of ironic…
This is why Pho garden shut down: “A Chinese Vietnamese immigrant, known along Clement Street as “Big Sister,” is planning to close her Quan Bac Restaurant on nearby Geary Street. The good reviews on Yelp are the least of it. The crowds, particularly at lunchtime, happily slurping pho, cannot dissuade her from leaving San Francisco for Daly City. “Too expensive, losing too much money,” she tells a visitor.”
It’s From this article: http://newamericamedia.org/2014/07/capital-of-asian-america-too-expensive-for-many-asians.php
@Jon C – Thanks for the update!
Sarah B.
It comes as no surprise that the Pho Garden is closing down due to financial issues. Many businesses in our district are facing similar challenges. Q recently closed and that was also due to financial concerns involving the owners upcoming property sale. None of this should come as a surprise since owners and developers alike are trying to cash in on the white hot real estate market in our City. It is however sad that as a result more and more businesses are closing.
What Cha Sao Bao said. ALL cities endure change, but the problem in San Francisco is the PACE of the change. Pricing out the very people who make this city run is pathetic. I live here; I like the physical beauty of the place, but I am far less enamored of the way our city is run, or it’s future as a place of wholesome community. Sadly, I am beginning to come to the conclusion that San Francisco is becoming toxic, in many ways. The guts and soul of this city are being gutted, wholesale.
One note re: Q’s closure: Q didn’t close due to money concerns; the owners moved out of SF to Portland for various quality-oflife reasons. They owned the property that Q occupied and they sold it in order to move.