The strangest (legal) business in the neighborhood – Tata Face Slapping Massage – has finally shuttered their storefront on the corner of 14th Avenue and Geary.
The business offered “face slapping massages” that were “100% chemical free” and wait for it…cost $350 for a 15 minute session. Yup you read that right – hundreds to get your face worked over (or a bargain $1,000 for 4 sessions).
The treatments purported to “make you look like a celebrity, face slapping to look younger, and face slapping to charm your significant other”.
The business garnered national media attention for its odd-ball treatments and even odder owners, who looked and moved a lot like Power Rangers. Watch the video below to see for yourself.
The Tata Massage storefront also won awards, at least in our book, for the gaudiest storefront in the neighborhood that (coincidence?) prevented prying eyes from seeing what was on actually going on inside.
Turns out there probably wasn’t much of anything happening in there, as the face slappers closed their doors after a longer-than-expected 2 year run. But if you still want to get beautified through slapping, you can find Tata and her ancient ways online.
Word on the street is that the Geary Dance Center just down the block may be interested in the space.
Sarah B.
After learning about this place I slapped my forehead. Results as yet to be determined…
ABOUT time!
Oh no, how could they go under with a business model like that ?! I can’t believe I missed my chance (though maybe the DIY model will provide some sort of weak substitute – Derek keep us posted).
Aw, I liked seeing our two neighborhood face slapping practitioners out and about in their interesting garb…
And I’ll miss walking by their bizarre storefront.
Let’s hope there’s a replacement business in that location that kicks ass.
I guess the who business of face-slapping was a little too cheeky.
Exorbitant price? Check
Windows covered so nobody can verify how much business is actually happening? Check
I’m not saying it’s money laundering. But…
Beats me why they weren’t successful.
@Richmond Resident and the hits keep coming!
@kayvaan – Would a money laundering front really invite national media in to film and meet them? Seems odd.
Sarah B.
Turns out that it’s not covered by Obamacare.
Shucks there goes one of my Christmas gift ideas. I was going to give a gift certificate from them to Eric Mar with the hope that they could slap some sense into him.
Well, this strikes me as funny.
So it’s ta ta to TaTa…
I saw a sign on their door when they first started moving things out that said that they were relocating, but it didn’t say where they were relocating to.
I’m sad it’s leaving. That’s that San Francisco Weirdness that is quickly eroding throughout the city.
True Yah but that was pretty high maintenance weirdness.
Perhaps the headline could be “Face Slapping business closes – owners take it on the chin”
Yeah, I saw the sign that they are moving due to bug issues at the old location.
@Richmond resident, you’re hilarious! Hahahhha
Maybe they should re-open in the Castro and slap something besides faces…. Ouch!
I know its cool to laugh at this, but I’m actually quite sad. They seemed like the nicest folks, who truly believed in what they were doing, and it’s my understanding that this form of massage is a legitimate form of massage in Thailand and other places. Yes, its strange to us, but forms of massage involving “slapping” are actually pretty common, and even in a basic Thai back massage you will get some slapping or pounding on your back. They had a schtick, had the wherewithal to open a store, and sadly it didn’t work out. That’s a shame, not amusing.