Man almost gets hit by falling tree near Sutro Heights park

Photo by Bruce H.

On Saturday night around 8pm, a man and his dog were sitting in their silver Prius on 48th Avenue near Anza.

A moment later, a large tree near Sutro Heights Park came crashing down on top of them. Miraculously, the man was able to exit the car after the crash and walk home.

DPW crews worked late into the night to dismantle the tree, which fell across 48th Avenue and blocked access.

Reader Bruce H. said he was there when the car owner returned on Sunday morning.

“The car owner returned, said he was just about to step out of his car when the tree fell.”

Woah – close call!

Sarah B.

Photo by Bruce H.

Photo by Bruce H.

Photo by Gabriel L.

Photo by Bruce H.


  1. Is it the drought? Are these trees more stressed than usual?

  2. Magdalena – yes. Plus, the cumulative effect of years of inadequate maintenance by Rec & Parks, due to budget cuts.

    We’re also seeing inadequate replacement trees – I fear that in another 10 or 20 years, there will be no great trees left in Sutro Heights, the Park Presidio greenways, etc.

  3. Look how big the tree is and how shallow the roots are. No wonder it fell over.

  4. That tree had looked dead, no green at all, for a while. Perhaps it’s cheaper to allow it to fall rather than remove it before it falls? There does not seem to be a replacement tree program in place in Sutro Heights Park, which is part of GGNRA, therefore not maintained by SF Park & Rec.

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