Local links: 1940’s movies at the Balboa, art from seniors, Clement street musician turned author, scam victim paid back & more

  • Tonight the Balboa Theater is showing The Philadelphia Story, the first film in its “Classy 1940’s Movies” series that runs through July. Other showings include “Casablanca” (July 9), “Arsenic and Old Lace” (July 16), Orson Welles’ “The Lady From Shanghai” (July 23) and Howard Hawks’ “Red River” (July 30). Showtime is 7:30pm.
  • Currently on exhibit in Supervisor Mar’s office at City Hall is art from the seniors of the Richmond Senior Center. On July 8 from 4-6pm, stop by Mar’s office for a reception (Room 284 – 2nd floor, Northeast corner of City Hall) featuring light refreshments, creative seniors, and fabulous art.
  • Charles Souby, a former street musician from Clement Street, recently published his second book “A Shot of Malaria”. A follow-up to his debut book “Winifred”, it also explores some of the same themes of drug addiction, depression and dark humor. According to a recent interview with The News Pointer, “Souby was eventually sucked into the street scene with his folk-style banjo playing and eked out a living as a street musician on Clement Street in the Richmond District for years, but saw his life slowly degenerate with every shot of vodka.”
  • Margaret Wong, a victim of a shady real estate scheme that caused her to lose her Richmond District home in 2007, recently got back the $25,900 she was swindled out of. “The racket began when a Hayward real estate agent named Reza Chehregosha swindled Wong into refinancing her home near Golden Gate Park at a high rate, from which she received $100,000, District Attorney Investigator Jason Collom said. While Chehregosha’s actions were sketchy from the start, what happened over the next year was illegal. He then convinced Wong to spend $25,900 of her new-found wealth on an investment deal in Costa Rica, promising a 40 percent return in 12 months,” writes The Examiner.
  • Lindy in the Park, the longtime swing dance gathering in Golden Gate Park every Sunday, was recently featured by the San Jose Mercury News. “Yes, something seriously swell happens every Sunday along the sidewalk behind the de Young Museum. Around to the right of the museum’s main entrance, the siren song of sax and a soul-jazzin’ beat lures you through a small garden, out onto JFK Drive where heels are kicking up, rugs are being cut to shreds and inner hepcats trip the daylight in a most fantastic way.”


  1. I’m just going to say it. This site is not as pleasant as it used to be, for the simple reason that the pictures are just too small. On my computer, on the main page, the pictures measure 1 1/2″ x 2 1/4″. Yes, I can flick them bigger, but really, what a pain.

    And the blog owner isn’t posting as much as she used to (or it just seems that way). It’s too bad because I really used to enjoy this blog.

    My wish: Bigger pictures, and a few more articles.

  2. I like the new format and find the pictures are a good size even when viewing on an iPad. I appreciate everything that Sarah does (and has done for years!) to inform the readers. Thank you, Sarah!!

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