Could you survive on bitcoin? New documentary premiering at Internet Archive follows couple who tried for 3 months

On Wednesday July 22, the Internet Archive (300 Funston) will host the San Francisco premiere of “Living on Bitcoin”, a new documentary that follows one couple who decided to see what would happen if they committed to only using bitcoin – a completely digital currency – to pay all their expenses for 3 months.

The couple, Austin and Beccy Craig, began their experiment after landing back home from their overseas honeymoon. At the airport they were stripped of their debit and credit cards, and any cash. All they had was an account with bitcoin it that they had collected from supporters of their Kickstarter campaign.

For the next three months, the Craigs tested Bitcoin (and their marriage) by relying solely on the crypto­currency for every expense, including gas, rent, groceries, speeding tickets, and insurance. For every transaction, they had to evangelize the currency to survive.

“Do you know what bitcoin is?” Austin asks of a gas station attendant who just stares back at him blankly. In another onhealthy keppra generic scene they struggle to find a mode of transportation that accepts bitcoin so they can get from the airport to their hotel.

Austin and Beccy will be at the premiere next week, and will hold a Q&A after the film with the audience.

Whether you’re a bitcoin enthusiast or are just curious about what bitcoin is and how it may or may not work in our modern, digital world, the film will shed light on the practical strengths and early limitations of bitcoin technology.

The premiere party will take place on July 22 at the Internet Archive. Doors open for mixing and refreshments at 6:30 PM, and seating begins at 8:15 (the Archive has large windows, and the film will begin after sunset at 8:30).

Pay-what-you-can tickets (minimum $5) are available online and if you do prefer to pay in bitcoin, here’s a link. All proceeds from ticket sales will go to expanding distribution of the film.

Sarah B.


  1. That kind of event is just way tooo trendy for a fuddy duddy like me. Geez, by the time the flick starts I’ll be in my pjs at home having my evening milk and cookies.

  2. Dunno, RICHMOND RESIDENT, sounds like it might be a relatively gentle way to observe one of the things that’s likely to wash all us fuddy duddy’s down the drain !

  3. “Do you know what bitcoin is?” Yeah, it’s yet one more annoying hipster thing that needs to go the way of Van Dyke beards and granny glasses. I hope the gas station attendant laughed in their face.

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