The new tap water station at Clement Street & 3rd Avenue
This morning at 10am, Supervisor Eric Mar will officially unveil a new water-filling station on the northwest corner of Clement Street and 3rd Avenue.
Clement’s new “tap station” provides free access to Hetch Hetchy tap water and is part of the SFPUC’s Drink Tap campaign that will install 100 new water-filling stations across the city.
The Clement Street station will be the 69th installed in San Francisco. The recently opened Beach Chalet Soccer Fields in Golden Gate Park also feature seven new water stations, and there are other taps at the California Academy of Sciences and at two other locations in the park. View the city’s map of tap stations
So keep your bottle handy when you’re visiting Clement – you can stop by anytime to fill ‘er up for free!
Sarah B.

Tap water stations in the Richmond District

Supervisor Eric Mar and friends drink from the new tap station, 12/8/15. Courtesy Eric Mar

Courtesy Eric Mar
Will there be a nozzle to fill up balloons? ;^P
This is cool, but I’m guessing there’s no plan to install public restrooms at similar locations. Typical SF planning fail.
So there doesn’t appear to be a drinking fountain associated with this kind of tap. Does the city plan to add those or do some locations already have a nearby drinking fountain? Or do the merchants want to sell more water bottles? Maybe they need associated drinking fountains like the ones that they have in GGP that include a bowl for out four-legged friends.
Maybe in lieu of an associated drinking fountain they could add a community cup on a chain?
Is this the same water that comes out of our taps??
@Question – Yes, it is the same Hetch Hetchy water that comes from our taps.
have other residents noticed the great increase in homeless people in the area bordered by arguello and 6th and geary and california? Its quite noticeable over the past 6 months, and curious if it is happening due to the city’s efforts to get the homeless out of downtown for the superbowl. I wonder if this will become a drinking fountain even without an actual fountain
This is great! I love the idea of people refilling bottles and drinking tap water instead of buying bottled.
I see a homeless showering station.
Yo Buddy,
You may be onto something with your perception that they can become homeless showering stations. May not be a bad thing.
I wonder what kind of limits these gizmos will have that restrict extended draining of the water supply, maybe just low and slow flow restrictions. Otherwise someone is gonna drive up with a tank truck and try to fill it up all night. In SF if the home water charges doesn’t kill you the sewer component of the charge will.
To R.R.
The ones I’ve seen in other places dispense a certain amount, usually about 16-20 ounces, and then you have to move your bottle to reset it before it turn on again. So it would be very troublesome, I think, to get mega amounts from these fountains.
Yeah, they have them at SFO and you have to get your bottle in the exact right position to get water. Also, this is on a very public corner by a cafe, if people are doing weird/creepy water things and other people are around, I hope they’ll be called out on it.
You guys are too much sometimes! Jump right to the “if people are doing weird/creepy water things” scenarios! Let’s think positively of our fellow neighbors and hope for the best, and appreciate this nice resource we’ve been given. Drink up! 🙂
– Sarah B., Administrator
I guess you could use it as a drinking fountain if you placed your head in just the right place on the spot for the water bottle. Kind of like drinking from a fire-hose.
If you’re with a buddy who’s had a little to much too drink (of the alcohol kind) I guess you could let him try that to wake/sober him up. Hey, a new drinking game on Clement!
Up on Mt. Sutro by the community center there’s a variation on this filler that also has a water fountain, but I recall it’s an “option” that sticks out to the side.
They need to put a barrier on the bottom so when dogs decide to take a piss there urine it won’t get into the fixture.
@Motor- YES! We have a lady who has homesteaded at the 44 bus stop on California at 7th, and had issues with other homeless in the ‘hood recently. Sadly, not much support in solutions from our Supervisors office. (Maybe if the homeless give away toys or soda he’d get interested?!)
quite a few new homeless around 20th – 24th Geary / Clement as well