Photo by Friends of the Urban Forest
Happy hump day Richmond District! Here are some local links to take you to the latter half of your week…
- Is your sidewalk looking a little bare? Plant a tree! Friends of the Urban Forest have a community planting happening in the central and outer Richmond District on March 19. For as little as $135, FUF will plant a tree for you in the sidewalk or yard in front of your home AND will come back for 3 years of follow-up care. The deadline to sign up is February 10.
- Learn to defend yourself against the no-goods of the police blotter! CS Jiu Jitsu Self Defense is hosting a free self-defense class on Saturday, January 16th from 12pm until 1pm. Located at 710 La Playa, in between Balboa and Cabrillo.
- Local blog Then & Now looks at old San Francisco film locations, and recently they dug up some gems from the Richmond District. Check out The Alexandria Theater in 1943’s “The Government Girl”, Stefanie Powers getting dropped off at Washington High School in the 1962 film “Experiment in Terror”, and the Balboa BofA’s special role in re-enacting a piece of SF crime history…
- The works of Pierre Bonnard are coming to the Legion of Honor Museum next month. The exhibition will feature more than sixty works that span the artist’s complete career, from his early Nabi masterpieces, through his experimental photography, to the late interior scenes for which he is best known. February 6 – May 15, 2016.
Gee, how will Captain Silverman react to being labelled a no-good (sorry, my hands just started typing…)
i wish i could plant a FUF tree in front of my neighbors on both sides. I would gladly pay.
Spencer, have you spoken with your neighbors about that? We’d love to help you make it happen. We can give you information to share with your neighbors that might get them interested. For example, street trees increase property values! Please contact Kyle at Friends of the Urban Forest: kyle@fuf.net or 415-268-0772.
Sarah: Pierre Bonnard opens at the Legion of Honor on 2/06. The next show at the deYoung is Oscar de la Renta on 3/12.
Indeed, thanks Zaz