District 1 Supervisor candidates tackle the issue of housing at Wednesday night’s debate. L to R: Marjan Philhour, Andy Thornley and Sandra Fewer
On Wednesday night, about 100 people came out for the District 1 Supervisor Candidates Debate held at Presidio Middle School. The event was hosted by the Richmond District Blog in association with the Presidio School’s PSTA.
The format of the event was different from previous candidate forums. Candidates were grouped into smaller debate panels of 3, allowing them to go more in depth on the issues. The debate was moderated by Geoff Gordon-Creed, an attorney, parent and 20+ year resident of the Richmond District, who also serves as Board Chair of the Richmond District YMCA.
After each candidate was allowed a minute for their introduction, the debate kicked off with the first of its five panels which covered transportation, homelessness, supporting and developing local business, qualifications to serve as Supervisor, and housing. The topics were chosen based on feedback received from Richmond District blog readers.
You can watch the debate event from start to finish though I confess that the live stream archive audio is really troubled and out of sync. :/ Sorry we couldn’t preserve the event more professionally!
Some of the zingers from the night included “We can’t build a wall and make Oakland pay for it” (Andy Thornley), and candidate Brian Larkin telling the crowd that “Twitter is done” as he mused how a company can exist whose sole value proposition is to let people communicate in 120 (sic) characters.
Thank you to all the District 1 Supervisor candidates for participating in Wednesday night’s debate, and special thanks to our moderator, timekeeper (Neill!) and the Presidio Middle School and their PTSA for hosting and promoting the event.
We hope this debate will help you decide on the three (ranked choice) candidates you’ll vote for on election day, November 8. See you at the polls!
Sarah B.

The audience at Wednesday night’s debate, held in the auditorium of Presidio Middle School
Sounds like you did a great job getting it set-up nicely !
Is there a place I can go to see how the major candidates stack up on positions on issues, compared to each other? That would be most beneficial in helping me decide, as I am still undecided, and in some cases the differences between them are not all that stark.
JER You might be able to find a copy of the Richmond Review at the library. The October issue has a grid of district candidates and positions. Unfortunately they have not updated their website for more current issues of the newspaper since August 2014.
jer, you can contact each of the candidates through their respective websites or facebook pages.
its too bad that so many are running for the office that forums like the one on the 26th did not allow any of the candidates to explain their positions fully.
there are at least 3 who should not be running and taking time from the serious candidates