Sandra Lee Fewer, winner in the 2016 election for District 1 Supervisor
Last night’s race for the 2016 District 1 Supervisor race came down to the wire, with Sandra Lee Fewer edging out Marjan Philhour by 655 votes for the win. According to the unofficial results from the SF Department of Elections, Fewer received 38.61% of the vote (8,155 votes).
David Lee came in third with 10.88% of the vote. In total, 21,120 votes were cast in the District 1 election.
At 11:20pm on election night, Fewer tweeted “#TeamSandy WE MADE IT! THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE! Plough & Stars on Clement & 2nd for the party! #RichmondDistrictNotForSale”.
Fewer’s experience includes serving as PTA President for 12 terms at Richmond District public schools, and serving as a Commissioner on the San Francisco Board of Education since 2008. In 2010, she was also elected to the San Francisco Democratic Party and served for two years. Fewer and her family have lived in the Richmond District for over 50 years.
On her campaign website, Fewer outlines her top issues which include serving our neighborhood first; affordable housing, not trickle down; tenant protections; transporation for the 21st century; small business stabilization; and real solutions to homelessness.
Fewer also states her goal of being caretaker for the Richmond:
As Supervisor, I would be a caretaker for the residents of the Richmond District. I know the Richmond inside and out and will work hard to preserve the wonderful neighborhood we live in. On the School Board, I led a new era of consensus, results-oriented leadership. I have heard from thousands of San Franciscans throughout my years as a parent, community organizer and School Board member. These voices remind me what is at stake when I vote on policies. I understand the trust of the public is sacred, and am so encouraged by the many San Franciscans standing behind my vision for an affordable, safe and diverse Richmond District!
We congratulate Ms. Fewer on her win, and thank all 10 candidates for participating in the election and representing our neighborhood.
Sarah B.

The unofficial results of the District 1 race, as of 10:45am on 11/9/16.
Those results don’t include the “ranked choice voting” rounds, which are posted here:
They put the margins as such:
51.93% (9869 votes) for Fewer
48.07% (9135 votes) for Philhour
But there are still vote-by-mail ballots and provisional ballots yet to be counted, so the 734 vote lead could fluctuate .. although unlikely it’ll change.
it is nice she won. the despicable campaign run by her opponents questioning her ethnicity were trump-like fascism and I’m glad the people who pushed those lies lost
Both of our last two previous Progressive supervisors left the district worse than they found it. Hopefully Sandra will look after things like the total disrepair of city owned sidewalks on the 14th Ave greenway rather than focus on pet projects like happy meals. Good luck Sandy
Congrats to Sandra. She ran a great campaign. Not so much some of the others.
i was told the vote wont be official until next monday at the earliest.
congrats richmond district, you just voted for another 4 years of eric mar
sad that people complain about money in campaigns, yet they seem to only vote for those who spend the money
also sad that there is so much apathy in this district that less than 50 percent come out to vote
I am sad Sandra won.
I don’t see her making any great progress in our neighborhoods.
didnt vote for you, but now fully support you in any way i can . I really hope you try and do more than Eric Mar, who was completely worthless. please clean up clement st and have a plan for the increasing homeless issue.
One of the reasons for low turnout in this POTUS election year is the fact that California is virtually ignored by both parties because we are a “lock” for the Dems. Blame the Electoral College for that. If we elected POTUS on the popular vote, California would get a lot of attention.
Instead, Backwards ()from my perspective) states like FL, OH, IO, and several others get all the attention. I get their pain, but what happens every four years is that the folks in those states that are hurting so much are wide open to being manipulated by dog whistling candidates like Trump.
I’m confident Sandra will do a fine job;she was the only candidate endorsed by the Tenants Union; that is what got my vote. Also, the disgusting attacks against Fewer by some of her opponents were way below the belt – outright lies and ethnic smears on unlabeled, crudely printed flyers that were dropped on my doorstep. Pretty sad behavior.
You are just a female version of Eric Mar..Useless at best.
Will hold you very accountable for what happens in the District. I hope you do better because you will pay dearly if you are just a rehash of Eric Mar another kiss ass sucker..Remember this..You did not have the support of the POA or the SF Sheriff’s Union..And your husband is a retired cop too? Kinda tells everyone who you are loyal too.