Three adults were rescued off a cliff above Marshall’s Beach on Friday afternoon. Photo by @abc7newsbayarea
Several news helicopters were hovering near the Golden Gate Bridge on Friday afternoon, capturing footage of a cliff rescue by the SFFD.
Three adults became stranded on the cliffs above Marshall’s Beach, just south of the Golden Gate Bridge.
One of the adults called 911 around 2:30pm, and reported that no one was injured, but they were unable to climb off of the cliff.
“This is a very difficult area, with a lot of difficult terrain,” said SFFD Lieutenant Jonathan Baxter.
Initially, the stranded adults did not know where they were exactly, so rescuers were looking between Baker Beach and the Cliff House to try and find them. Eventually, 911 operators kept the caller on the phone long enough so that rescuers could pinpoint their latitude and longitude of their cliffside location via GPS.
Water rescue boats were also deployed to the water below the cliffs, and they were able to eyeball the location for rescuers on land. Fire crews belayed down the cliff face using a technical rope rescue to the stranded adults.
SFFD tweeted at 4:05pm that all three adults were rescued and safe. The US Park Police have not commented on why or how the adults ended up on the cliff.
Sarah B.
and i hope they get charged for the rescue. they got there by ignoring all the signs posted
Walt, wanna wager on that?
wager if they get charged for the rescue or if there are signs posted. there are signs posted and frequently ignored…stanley roberts did a segment on it
my brother was billed for a similar rescue in socal when he was young and stupid and chose to ignore signs.
People ROUTINELY ignore the warning signs at Lands’ End, Baker Beach – they should be arrested or fined. The signs alone obviously aren’t enough of a deterrent.
You can’t fix stupid but sometimes you can fine it.