FEBRUARY 15, 2018
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Officer Lee from Richmond Station along with Supervisor Sandra Fewer, recently attended a community meeting at Kawikas Deli, regarding public safety concerns that the community had. Below are some of the highlights of the meeting:
Many people expressed their concerns about the growing number of homelessness around La Playa. Officers have been briefed about the situation and will increase passing calls in the area. Richmond Station also has homeless outreach Officers who will address the area and attempt to encourage individuals to seek services and city resources.
Residents expressed concern about vehicles speeding through different areas of the Richmond District, especially in Golden Gate Park. Supervisor Fewer indicated that she was working with DPW to increase lighting within the area and to conduct a traffic study within the park. Supervisor Fewer also mentioned that Richmond Station and her office will be offering a driver re-education or refresher course in hopes of making the streets safer for vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists.
Residents were happy to see Police Officers at 850 La Playa, and expressed their appreciation for the Officers. Residents stated they have seen an enormous difference and hoped they would see more Officers in the future.
One of the biggest concern was the increase in property crimes within the district. Richmond Station recently launched a plainclothes unit, increased the number of foot beats for crime ridden areas and is in collaboration with the SFDA’s office in solving, and reducing these types of crimes.
Captain Alexa O’Brien
Commanding Officer, Richmond Station
February 20, 2018, 6PM
Richmond Station, 461 6th Ave

Map of Crimes, 02/05/2018 to 02/11/2018 (77 Incidents)
Warrant Arrest
02/08/2018 1830 hrs.
500 Block of 8th Ave.
Officers were dispatched to 508 8th Ave., regarding a possible mentally disturbed person acting aggressively, holding a large stick. Officers arrived on scene and quickly located the male and took him into custody without incident. A computer check of the suspect revealed an outstanding no bail warrant for burglary. The suspect was booked into County Jail on the outstanding warrant.
Assault, Aggravated, W/ Force
02/08/2018 0025 hrs.
3rd Ave. & Geary
Officers responded to 3rd Ave. and Geary Blvd., regarding an assault incident. Officers located the victim, who’s face was completely covered in blood. The victim told Officers a suspect came out of nowhere and began hit-ting him in the face. The victim was vague about the incident and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. A witness told Officers he observed two males punching the victim and it appeared the victim fell to the ground and lost consciousness. Several Officers searched the area with negative results. The victim was transported to St. Mary’s hospital for a possible brain injury. The victim was released from St. Mary’s with only superficial injuries. Both suspects are still outstanding. One is de-scribed as a Hispanic male approximately 20-30 years old.
Warrant Arrest
02/09/2018 1727 hrs.
Fulton & Great Highway
Officers on routine patrol in the area of Fulton and Great Highway, observed a male suspect drinking a 24 oz. Bud-light beer just inside Golden Gate Park. Officers detained the suspect, who was on active felony parole for homicide. A computer check revealed an out-standing felony no bail warrant from the Department of Corrections for a parole violation. The suspect was booked for the warrant, as well as 4.10 PC for consuming alcohol in a park.
Robbery, Comml. Establ. W/ Knife
02/10/2018 1923 hrs.
Masonic & Geary
A suspect entered the Trader Joe’s located near the intersection of Geary & Masonic, and attempted to steal several bottles of wine. Security attempted to stop the suspect, at which time he retrieved an 8 inch black knife from a sheath concealed in his waistband. The suspect did not attempt to stab anyone, accord-ing to the witness. The suspect held the knife in his right hand, keeping it upright. The suspect walked several feet and dropped the basket of wine. The suspect is still outstanding in this incident. The suspect was de-scribed as a black male adult, 40-50 years old.