PG&E crew works to restore power at Clement and 2nd Avenue, late Thursday night. Photo by RyanAmazing
It looks like the inner Richmond is not out of the woods yet with regard to power outages. Tonight I received reports from readers of another outage on the early blocks of Clement Street.
One reader, Twitter user kayincateyes, said their power was out from 10:15pm until 10:30pm at Arguello and Clement. “Three outages in two weeks, I’m pissed. Power went out in middle of work all three times 🙁 “.
Another reader, Ryan, reported it was out at 2nd and Clement from 10:15 until about 11:10pm. “I got to hear everyone in The Plough and the Stars cheer,” he wrote.
Reader Patrick posted on Facebook that the outage appeared to be on Clement Street “out until at least 8th or 9th ave.”
The backup generator and PG&E trucks are still parked up at 12th and Clement, due to last night’s outage. I stopped off to talk to the technician in the truck just a few minutes ago. He said last night’s and tonight’s outages were possibly related, but they weren’t sure yet. He was on duty to “light up” the 12th and Clement generator again while they did repairs from last night’s outage.
He said if the outages continue near Clement and 2nd Avenue / Arguello, worst case is that it could be a bad cable which they’d need to replace. When I asked how long that takes he said it could be a day, but that PG&E would line up another generator for that part of the neighborhood.
I also contacted the PG&E outage line (1-800-468-4743), but they did not have any further information. Were you affected by Thursday night’s outage? Leave a comment to let us know.
Sarah B.

The backup generator at 12th Avenue and Clement
The second outage got me to dig out the flashlights that had been covered by magazines, books, etc. and test them. It was good disaster practice but enough already!
I drove home Thursday night & noticed that all the streetlights were out on Clement from at least 6th to 10th/11th, where the PGE guys were working… some lights in businesses/apartments upstairs looked to be on. Has our so-helpful Supervisor spoken up on this topic at all? Mr. Mar?!!!!!!