Memorial Service, documentary screening, BOS salute planned to honor Thomas’ life

thomas2We got word this weekend that a couple of events are being planned to honor Thomas Myron Hooker, the long-time, homeless resident that passed away last week. Thomas most recently lived at the corner of Funston and Clement.

Memorial Service at Star of the Sea

On Monday, November 7 at 7pm, a public memorial service for Thomas will be held at Star of the Sea Church (4420 Geary). Thomas was a frequent attendee of Saturday services at the church. The service will be followed by a reception in the school auditorium with an open mic for people to share their remembrances of Thomas. The church will also show the Voices documentary after the service.

Documentary screening

A final date is still pending, but the Internet Archive (Clement & Funston) is planning to screen the documentary that featured Thomas called Voices (trailer below). The 2015 film “features the stark and intimate portraits of three very different individuals and their struggle with severe mental illness in America. The stories of Sharon, Thomas and Aaron illuminate the challenges, realities, and often complex emotions and choices that surround people with psychotic mental illness and those who love them.”

UPDATE: The screening of the film will take place at Star of the Sea Church right after the memorial service on Monday, November 7. The film will begin around 8pm.

Honor at Board of Supervisors Meeting

Supervisor Eric Mar will end the Board of Supervisors meeting in Thomas’ honor on Tuesday, November 1.

Sarah B.

A memorial for Thomas at the corner of Funston and Clement. Photo by @SG

A memorial for Thomas at the corner of Funston and Clement. Photo by @SG

"Voices" – Trailer from Hara Films on Vimeo.


  1. I never met Thomas But a friend of mine did and she mention what a nice guy he was . May He Rest in Peace .

  2. Thank you so much, Sarah for doing all that you do for our community.
    You are a treasure, just as Thomas was also a treasure.

  3. I hope the viewing is when I can make it. I can’t make the memorial unfortunately and feel awful about that. The image of Thomas in the window is mine and I’ll remember our time together that day forever. From the numerous people who brought food, a parka or coffee to the crazy things we talked about and the unbelievable intellect he had that came from a different place. I had no idea how he touched so many lives and thought I was special because that is how Thomas made you feel-special. He was one in a million and I will truly, truly miss seeing his face after 22 years in this neighborhood. His smile in this film is so EXACTLY him.

  4. I mentioned Thomas’s story to C.W. Nevius of the Chronicle, so maybe we see a column about him.

  5. I lived on 11th and Clement for over 15 years – I saw Thomas often. He had the biggest, most beautiful smile! One morning I was waiting for the #2 bus, on the corner of 10th. I had a box of BBQ pork buns from the bakery across the street, and I had several in a bag, intending to give to Thomas. He wouldn’t accept them! And insisted on giving me a dollar! I was mortified. I mean, what kind of person takes a dollar from a homeless guy?? I tried to give it back, but he was having none of it. So I ended him giving him profuse thanks and smiles, and he gave me one of those huge, amazing smiles, and off he went, pushing his cart down the street in the fog….

  6. I have known Thomas since I was a little boy. I live on 9th and clement and have seen him on the corner of my apartment ever since I lived there. He is the kindest person I have ever known. I will miss seeing him and helping him out from time to time. May he Rest In Peace.

  7. Thomas was one of the most genuine kindest people I’ve ever known. My dog Vinnie loved him. He once said to me, Mike, Vinnie is my brother. He had an uncanny way of reading people. I saw him at
    Star of the Sea one afternoon and he said so glad to see you, you will feel better, and I did. Rest In Peace my brother and thank you

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