This afternoon, a eucalyptus tree at Clement and Funston decided it had had enough of upright living. Around 5pm it toppled over, crushing one car and damaging a truck that were parked on Funston Street near Clement. Thankfully no one was injured in the incident.
Crews were cleaning up when I drove by just before 7pm tonight (and are still at it as of 8:30pm). A Park & Rec officer said some of the eucalyptus trees along Park Presidio are sixty to seventy years old, and that sometimes they just uproot themselves.
More photos & video of the aftermath
Sarah B.

Wow, on the spot live reporting ! Ever thought of being a publisher of your very own newspaper?
Oh my! Not a complete surprise, though. Unfortunately some of the trees in the Park Presidio Pedestrian mall are unhealthy. Glad no one was hurt!