King Tut preview & interview with Exhibition Designer

It took 30 years, but the “boy king” is finally returning to San Francisco. The Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of Pharoahs exhibit is coming to the deYoung Museum on June 27. The exhibit website is already up where you can get info about the show, learn more about the history of Tut and preview some of the 130 pieces that will be on display.

I was just a kid when Tut came through the city all those years ago. But what an impression it made on me. Not to mention the effect the show had on our pop culture. Look no further than Steve Martin’s classic “King Tut” sketch to be reminded.

The deYoung’s latest podcast is an interesting interview with the Exhibition Designer, Mark Lach. You can click below to listen to it:

Interview with King Tut Exhibition Designer Mark Lach (14:16)

To purchase advance tickets to Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs, visit their website.

Oh and look for the (unofficial) King Tut contingent running in this weekend’s Bay to Breakers!

Sarah B.