Checking in on the GGP bison herd

SF Appeal has a brief video story about the infamous Golden Gate Park bison herd. For me they’ve always been one of the great head-scratchers about San Francisco. But then that is where there charm lies – the utter oddity of coming across them when you’re strolling or biking through the park. They are a living, breathing reminder of what used to roam the West.

There are only five bison left in the GGP paddock; one was euthanized recently after a bout with liver disease.

Like everything else these days, the bison are facing budget challenges. The videographer talks to Jim Lazarus, President of SF Park & Recreation about the resources needed to increase the herd size and maintain the bisons’ environment. In 2007, the city had to spend $1.2 million to upgrade the perimeter fencing to comply with U.S. Department of Agriculture standards.

The video also includes interviews with the main SF Zoo employee that cares for the aging giants.

Read the full story and watch the video on SF Appeal.

Sarah B.