“I Remember Playland” documentary in the works

Just received a newsletter from the East Bay’s Playland-Not-At-The-Beach, a museum/park full of penny arcades of antique amusement devices, as well as historic exhibits about San Francisco’s Sutro Baths and Playland.

Playland-Not-at-the-Beach proprietor Richard Tuck announced that a documentary about Playland amusement park is being made:

Part of our dream all along as we were building Playland-Not-at-the-Beach over the last decade was to eventually create a full length documentary movie to be called “I Remember Playland.” It would tell the story of Whitney’s Playland and the memories it created in people’s minds.

Film producer Tom Wyrsch is now carrying out that dream. Every week he is filming people as they share their memories. If you would like to share your stories for the camera, now is the time to step onhealthy keflex buy forward. Filming is by appointment. If you are interested, contact me at (510) 932-8966.

So if you’re a longtime San Franciscan and have something to share about Playland, give Richard a call. I just missed Playland as a kid, though my Mom says she used to take my sister to it right before it closed in 1972. So I am very excited to hear about this movie being made. You can find out more about Playland at the Western Neighborboods Project website.

Playland-Not-at-the-Beach was out at Sunday Streets a few weeks ago as well. Their booth had some old pinball games that the kids loved playing (I did too!). They’ll be there for the final one on September 6 as well.

Sarah B.