Hot Dog day at Frankenart Mart on Sunday

Stop by Frankenart Mart gallery on Sunday from 1 to 6pm for a free hot dog (veggie or beef) to celebrate the announcement of the winning Hot Dog drawing.

If you were reading the blog a couple months back, you’ll recall my pathetic entry to the contest. I can just hear my art teacher from grammar school saying “A for effort, Sarah!”. Groan. Suffice to say I don’t think mine will be the one featured on the new Frankenart baseball caps…

While you’re there, check out one of the Mart’s latest projects: a 38 geary bus sculpture made from Ocean beach sand, Golden Gate park parts, and Richmond haunts. It will be presented to Supervisor Mar when it’s finished.

Frankenart Mart is located at 515 Balboa Street.

Oh and since we’re on the topic of hot dogs, I have to share this hilariously dramatic video of the Japanese eating contest champion Kobayashi facing off with a giant, Kodiak bear to see who gets through a platter of hot dogs the fastest. So, who do you think wins?

Sarah B.