RDNC open house and free arts workshop registration

This Saturday from 10am to 1pm, the Richmond District Neighborhood Center will host a Multicultural Children’s Art Program Open House to kick off registration for their Fall classes. The theme for their next session is “The Arts of Egypt.”

MCAP will be offering ten, one-day workshops this Fall ranging from “Pyramid Sculpture” to “Reed Boats and Mummies” to “Egyptian Mask Making”. Workshops are designed for kids age 6-12 years and class size is limited to 15. There is a $10 suggested donation per class.

Stop by the open house on Saturday to sign up for Fall Art Workshops while you meet the artists, view past art projects, and enjoy live performances.

And while we’re talking about the RDNC… Executive Director Patricia Kaussen recently received a Community Service Award from the Geary Merchants Association. Congrats!

The RDNC is also looking for a new Employment Programs Coordinator whose job is to “provide support throughout the employment of youth (including pre and post) through referrals, job readiness workshops, and one-on-one support”.

The Richmond District Neighborhood Center is located at 741 30th Avenue.

Sarah B.