Help restore the oaks around the GGP horseshoe grotto

You may have heard about the recently re-discovered Horseshoe Pits Grotto in Golden Gate Park near the Fulton and Stanyan entrance. Earlier this summer, volunteers cleared the area, making it once again usable for horseshoe competitions. And in the process, they unearthed some forgotten WPA era relief sculptures that one local artist is already helping to restore.

This Saturday, the San Francisco Rec & Park Department’s Natural Areas Program is looking for volunteers to help with restoring the historic and native habitat of the Coast Live Oak Woodland in the northeast section of the park. The groves they’ll be concentrating on during this workday will be those around the horsehoe pits.

If you’d like to volunteer, meet in front of the Conservatory of Flowers at 10am this Saturday. For more information, contact Robert Bakewell at rcbakewell@yahoo.com, 221-1137 or 710-9617.

Golden Gate Park Oak Woodland Restoration Project work days take place the second Saturday of every month.

Sarah B.


  1. Yes , we will be working in the Oak Woodlands this Saturday. And yes, the ‘ Horseshoe Pits Grotto ‘ is a wonder to behold. It’s not certain yet that we will be working adjacent to the ‘ Pits’, nevertheless , we will be in the vicinity and you will have the opportunity to work on a project that helps restore the Woodlands. Our staff leader who will no doubt have some entertaining and informative info to share about the natural history of this place.

  2. I guess the city is now dedicated to making sure this doesn’t become an encampment. I stopped going near it a year or so ago since it was attracting dozens of campers and they had fires going and were not super friendly to outsiders.

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